Q1 2019

www.wealthandfinance-news.com 8 Wealth & Finance International - Q1 2019 It would be no overstatement to say that the current investment climate is a volatile one. Investment managers around the world have started to shift into risk-off strategies on the back of this uncertainty, with no signs of improvement yet. By all regards, 2019 looks set – at least, for the foreseeable future – to be continuing on this difficult path. With this in mind, Mori Capital Management’s results becomes all the more impressive, it’s expertise utterly undisputed. Mori Capital Management is an independent asset management company specialising in emerging European markets. In November, Mori Capital Management was recognised in Wealth & Finance International’s 2018 Winners’ Review programme as the ‘Best Emerging Market Fund Manager’ and the ‘Leaders in Eastern European Securities’. On the back of this well-deserved win, we interviewed the firm’s Director and Portfolio Manager, Aziz Unan, to learn more about the firm’s unique approach to investment. The Experts in EEMEA Asset Management WR180093 Boasting more than eighty years of collective experience in the industry, Mori Capital is built on a firm foundation that has helped secure its position as one of the most successful long- term asset managers in the region. Indeed, this year, the firm’s flagship Mori Eastern European Fund celebrated its 20th anniversary, with their unconstrained stock-picking Mori Ottoman Fund completing thirteen years of an award-winning track record under the same portfolio manager since its inception, at the beginning of 2006. Despite the aforementioned market conditions present in the tail end of 2018, the Mori Eastern European Fund delivered a net return of 732.1% (in euro terms) since its inception, significantly outperforming peers and the widely used MSCI Emerging Markets Europe 10/40 Net Total Return (EUR) Index, which was up 358.2% during the same period. Similarly, the Mori Ottoman Fund has achieved triple the return of the MSCI Emerging Markets Europe 10/40 Net Total Return (EUR) Index since its launch in 2006, at 21.7% and 7.2% respectively.

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