Alternative Investment Awards 2016 37 Best Value-Added Energy Infrastructure Investor - North America & Award for Innovation in Renewable Energy Portfolio Management Starwood Energy Group specializes in value-add energy infrastructure investments, with a focus on natural gas and renewable power generation, transmission and storage assets. Brad Nordholm and Himanshu Saxena, Senior Managing Directors who share the Co-Head role, provide us with a fas- cinating insight into the firm, which has just been named ‘Best Value-Added Energy Infrastructure Investor - North America’ and has also received our prestigious ‘Award for Innovation in Renewable Energy Portfolio Management’. Company: Starwood Energy Group Global Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: 5 Greenwich Office Park, Greenwich, CT 06831 Telephone: 203 422 7700 Through its general opportunity funds and other affiliated investment vehicles, Starwood Energy Group manages total equity commitments in excess of $2B, and has executed transactions totalling more than $4B in enterprise value. The Starwood Energy team brings extensive devel- opment, construction, operations, acquisition and financing expertise to its investments. Starwood Energy actively pursues attractive, risk-adjust- ed returns from both opportunistic acquisitions and the development of energy infrastructure assets. With more than eight decades of combined experience in the power sector and approximately $7B in principal transactions, the Starwood Energy executive team is well-positioned to successfully navigate the regulatory, technological and operational complexities of the market. This enables the team to dynamically shift between different regions, technologies and risk profiles as the most compelling investment opportunities emerge. To further mitigate risk, Starwood Energy typically collaborates with highly experienced developers on Greenfield projects The Starwood Energy team believes that investor relations are criti- cally important, and we welcome the industry trend toward increased disclosure and transparency all of which helps create a greater sense of partnership with investors. In addition to quarterly reporting and annual meetings, the team holds quarterly conference calls with investors to discuss all aspects of the business. Starwood Energy continually seeks to set a tone whereby the team, investors, advisors and counterpar- ties maintain frequent, open communications—which enhances the relationship between all Starwood Energy stakeholders and ultimately contributes to business success. As environmental concerns become an increasingly important topic among investors, Starwood Energy remains committed to ensuring that every investment is fully compliant with regulations and has a reduced carbon footprint wherever possible. Within the industry, we are seeing a massive shift in power-generation technologies away from coal and nuclear and toward natural gas, wind and solar. Solar and micro-grids are also serving as catalysts for the dis- intermediation of our historically centralized power grid. We are looking at dramatic change over the next few decades—and in a capital-inten- sive, technology-driven business, change provides opportunity for a firm such as Starwood Energy that can evolve with such changes. Moving forward, the macro trends that will affect our business include inexpensive natural gas, low-cost renewable power-generation technolo- gies and tightening regulatory requirements, all which create a massive investment opportunity—estimated at $300–500B over the next 10 years—to transform the U.S. electric power grid. Starwood Energy intends to continue to pursue its proven investment strategy as this transformation unfolds—to the ultimate benefit of our investors. AI16006