Wealth & Finance International - February 2017

103 February 2017 Energy efficiency is important to us all but in the commercial environ- ment any improvements must be financially sustainable. If people are investing money into energy efficiency, businesses need to know how long it will take for the investment to pay for itself or the Return on In- vestment (ROI). Many companies will advise clients to invest substantial sums of money into energy efficiency with an ROI of six to ten years. CPS specialises in solutions that have an ROI of three years or under. Into the future, Clean Energy Enterprises hopes to be Australia’s most prominent developer and owner of Solar Power Parks (100kw – 10mw size) and to always have the best brands in the Clean Energy Industry Sectors that they participate in. Also, by 2020, the firm want to be right- fully recognized as the company that did more to help Australia achieve its 20% Renewable Energy Target than any other company. Company: Clean Energy Enterprises Name: Daniel Cobb Web Address: cleanenergyenterprises.com.au

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