Wealth & Finance Finance Awards 2015

www.wealthandfinance-intl.com 25 AltaReturn Best for Private Equity Software Solutions AltaReturn was founded in May 2008 and has quickly become one of the largest and most respected software solution providers for the alternative investment industry. When building AltaReturn our team had the advantage of having done this before. We had the benefit of understanding the challenges our clients were facing and the opportunity to build a new solution that would address those challenges in our application. As a result of hindsight, we believe we have built the most innovative software solution in the space. Company: AltaReturn Web Address: www.altareturn.com Address: 9350 South Dixie Hwy, Suite 1420, Miami, Florida 33156, United States Telephone: + 1.305.925.0500 AltaReturn, in partnership with Microsoft, has developed a suite of private equity solutions covering Accounting, CRM, Business Intelligence and Investor Portal communications. We offer these solutions as an inte- grated end to end suite or as independently licensed applications which will fit within your existing infrastructure and technology framework. Private equity remains one of the fastest-growing sectors in the finance indus- try. This is fuelled by a number of factors including technological innovations, global capital expansion, deregulation and low interest rates. The strong performance of public markets has also provided a robust environment for IPO’s over the past few years. The industry faces the challenge of continuing to outperform other asset classes while sustaining deployment of new capital at increasingly rapid rates. As the competition for capital increases, firms are finding it increasingly difficult to maintain consistently strong returns. In order to become truly successful clients must focus on being op- erationally efficient to differentiate themselves from their competitors. In the current competitive and regulatory environment, the balance of power has largely shifted to the investors, who expect exceptional client service, transparency and frequent reporting on their holdings. AltaReturn has developed an alternative investment platform with a completely different approach to our competitors. Over the past decade, many software platforms have quickly come of age and just as quickly fallen out of favor. The problem with our competitors’ approach is one of simple economics. It has proven too costly to build an application that is best of breed in all areas needed for a complete end to end platform (Accounting, CRM, Deal Tracking, Fund Raising, Investor Relations, Portfolio Monitoring and Reporting). Our management team are primarily experienced professionals in the alternatives investment industry with strong backgrounds in finance, accounting and technology. Our clients are demanding and their needs evolve rapidly so our team must be constantly prepared to face new challenges. Our products are developed hand-in-hand with our clients. We obtain feedback directly from our users and enhance our products using the latest in agile development methods. Our success is measured by the number and quality of our references. A considerable number of our sales have been a result of word of mouth from our existing clients. Their willingness to share their positive experiences with our products and consulting services is a reflection of our success. We continue to enhance our products and grow our client base. Our vision is to grow our share of the market in private equity technology ag- gressively by continuing to develop fully-integrated solutions that boost our clients’ operational efficiencies and reporting capabilities. The challenges facing our clients include the increased scrutiny from investors and regulators which require significant time and resources. The opportunity for our organization is to help our clients be successful in addressing these challenges. We will continue to address these challenges by delivering best-of-breed solutions for every area of private equity operations, supporting automa- tion and efficiencies across front, middle and back-office functions in order to enable firms to meet their stakeholders’ needs.

http://www.abnamrolease.com/ http://www.abnamrolease.com/ http://www.accountingdirectplus.com/ http://www.alexanderhousefs.co.uk/ http://www.altareturn.com/ http://www.accountingdirectplus.com/ http://www.alexanderhousefs.co.uk/ http://www.altareturn.com/ http://www.armr.net/ http://www.armr.net/ http://www.abnamrolease.com/ http://www.annandalefinancial.co.uk/ http://www.annandalefinancial.co.uk/ http://www.accountingdirectplus.com/ http://www.alexanderhousefs.co.uk/ http://www.altareturn.com/ http://www.armr.net/ http://www.annandalefinancial.co.uk/ http://www.abnamrolease.com/ http://www.accountingdirectplus.com/ http://www.alexanderhousefs.co.uk/ http://www.altareturn.com/ http://www.armr.net/ http://www.annandalefinancial.co.uk/