Wealth & Finance Finance Awards 2015

Wealth & Finance Finance Awards 2015 58 Oesa Limited Best Niche Consultancy to the Alternative Investment Funds Industry - UK Oesa Partners are a bespoke niche practice who provide legal and regulatory advice and support to alternative asset managers and their funds. In particular, they negotiate all trading documentation required to establish the fund’s rela- tionships with their prime brokers, banks, dealers and brokers. We spoke to Kate Wormald, Founder of Oesa Partners, to find out about their hands on approach and how they see themselves as part of their clients’ team. Company: Oesa Partners Name: Kate Wormald Email: [email protected] Web address: www.oesa.co.uk Address: 23 Hanover Square London W1S 1JB Telephone: 0203693 6085 Our approach towards client service is to be flexible and responsive to our clients’ needs. Furthermore, we provide a service where we add some real value to our clients’ business instead of being focused on how working with them will benefits our business. We tailor our services to our clients’ business model, and this allows us to mitigate inherent legal risks in the processes and the documentation that we negotiate. As a result, we regularly receive a positive outcome from our clients. In order to ensure that we are at the cutting edge, we simply ensure that we do our research and stay one step ahead of the game. From our experience, if you constantly remain on top of any emerging develop- ments, it never becomes too big a burden. After 13 years as the premier niche legal service provider who are con- stantly winning awards, we do not spend a lot of time bench marking. The industry simply does it for us. We look to do the best by our clients and so long as we meet this need, our success speaks for its self. Looking towards the future, we simply want to be able to retain what we have built for our company. We are also looking to reinvent our templates at the same speed as the banks in order to remain up to date with all the regulatory changes while ensuring that we can achieve good commercial terms for our clients. We strive for transparent and open fees charged for work done in our industry, rather than billable hours in artificial increments of time on a pyramid basis. One of the most promising trends in our industry is that we are currently seeing a bedding down of all the new regulations into workable solu- tions. This avoids all the panics and stress of unachievable deadlines imposed by regulators flexing their muscles. As for the award, we are delighted to be acknowledged for our success for the second year in a row. We are also delighted to have the opportu- nity to represent our views and spread the word about our company.

http://www.newscapegroup.com/ http://www.newscapegroup.com/ http://www.nicolsonaccountancy.co.uk/ http://www.oesa.co.uk/ http://www.nicolsonaccountancy.co.uk/ http://www.oesa.co.uk/ http://www.philandersonfinancial.co.uk/ http://www.philandersonfinancial.co.uk/ http://www.newscapegroup.com/ http://www.nicolsonaccountancy.co.uk/ http://www.oesa.co.uk/ http://www.philandersonfinancial.co.uk/ http://www.newscapegroup.com/ http://www.nicolsonaccountancy.co.uk/ http://www.oesa.co.uk/ http://www.philandersonfinancial.co.uk/