Wealth & Finance Finance Awards 2015

Wealth & Finance Finance Awards 2015 62 Protiviti Member Firm Best in Business & Risk Consultancy - Oman Protiviti Member Firm is a global consulting firm that helps companies solve problems in finance, technology, opera- tions, governance, risk and internal audit. We speak to Shatha Al Maskiry about the company’s work and how they have come to win this coveted award. Company: Protiviti Member Firm (Middle East) Name: Shatha Al Maskiry Email: [email protected] Web address: http://www.protiviti.com Address: P.O. Box: 1130, Ruwi, PC 112 OMAN Telephone: +968 24699402 Protiviti places a strong focus on the financial services (FS) industry and provides risk & business advisory, human capital consulting, organi- zational transformation, compliance, digital solutions, and customer assurance. Our success is rated by who we serve and how well we serve them. We have served all major banks in Oman and the region on multi- ple projects as a result of the value and impact we deliver. We earn confidence and trust from our clients because of our strong knowledge of the fast paced industry at both a global and regional level within risk management, cyber security, customer excellence, mobile banking, and crowd sourcing. We also advise on emerging risks and trends and explore with the clients on what needs to be embraced in the digital world to enhance performance, acquire customers and maximize profitability. One of the most distinctive features of the financial industry is that it operates in a highly complex and dynamic landscape which requires continuous innovation and proactive risk management coupled with effective management of performance and customer excellence to achieve sustainable growth and profitability. Integrity is one of our core values upon which our foundation to deliver superior service and resolve the most pressing business problems rests. We are driven to be innovative and flexible, and operate under a high moral and ethical standard. We complement our diverse solution offerings with high-performing professionals from a variety of backgrounds and we create an environment that is inclusive, and truly feels like a community. The FS industry needs to focus on how all products and services are technology-enabled and it is more critical now with the rapid evolution of mobile banking and digitization of processing. Nevertheless, the old standing challenges are still there: old systems that pose significant problems – excessive maintenance costs, process and decision-making friction, degraded business agility and more – that easily degenerates into strategic risks. There is tremendous pressure for the COOs, CIOs and CTOs in the FS industry to develop meaningful plans for core modernization. We help design pragmatic and risk-sensitive solutions to tackle this challenge. With expertise rooted deeply in risk management, we can assist with the development of a road map, program and strategy for core modernization that are risk-savvy, customized, and deliver the de- sired benefits to enable clients to make sound decisions on all aspects of their core modernization projects, including risk, security, privacy, business performance and service assurance throughout the course of such transformations.

http://www.philandersonfinancial.co.uk/ http://www.philandersonfinancial.co.uk/ http://www.protiviti.com/ http://www.protiviti.com/ http://www.rwafinance.co.uk/ http://www.sarieldin.com/ http://www.rwafinance.co.uk/ http://www.sarieldin.com/ http://www.smartcurrencybusiness.com/ http://www.philandersonfinancial.co.uk/ http://www.smartcurrencybusiness.com/ http://www.protiviti.com/ http://www.rwafinance.co.uk/ http://www.sarieldin.com/ http://www.smartcurrencybusiness.com/ http://www.philandersonfinancial.co.uk/ http://www.protiviti.com/ http://www.rwafinance.co.uk/ http://www.sarieldin.com/ http://www.smartcurrencybusiness.com/