Women in Wealth Awards 2016

Women in Wealth Awards 2016 6 Best Financial Trade Association CEO - Washington D.C IRI proudly leads a national consumer coalition of 40 organizations, and is the only association that represents the entire supply chain of insured retirement strategies. The institute’s members are the major insurers, asset managers, broker-dealers/distributors, and 150,000 financial professionals. As a not-for-profit organization, IRI provides an objective forum for communication and education, and advocates for the sustainable retirement solutions consumers need to help achieve a secure and dignified retirement. IRI also proudly leads a national consumer coalition of 40 organizations, who partner to promote retirement planning and disseminate retirement planning resources to consumers. Specifically, with regards to the institute’s leader, Cathy joined the association in 2008 in this role and quickly began an extensive reorganization and rebranding of the association. The rebranding resulted in expansive membership growth and more than doubled the organization’s budget. It also included instituting a research division, which today produce industry-leading reports focusing on the retirement outlook and needs of various consumer demographic groups. This includes research reports on Baby Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, Women, and Recent Retirees. In addition, IRI produces considerable educational content for consumers, including retirement planning resources, tip sheets, and online calculators. The rebranding of the association also entailed relocating the association to Washington, D.C., and establishing a government affairs operation to advocate for policies that encourage savings and promote lifetime income. Today, IRI is a high-profile organization at the center of discussions involving retirement security issues. This involves participating in meetings with the White House, Members of Congress, and state, federal and international regulators. Having spent most of her 40-year career as a regulator and consumer

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