W&F Issue 10 2018

Wealth & Finance International - Issue 10 - 2018 15 Oman’s Leader in Asset Management Business excellence has long defined the Middle East; as a thriving hub of opportunity and swift technological development, it can be considered a crucial accelerator to enduring success, for those with the skill, expertise and ambition to capitalise on it. In the years since its inception, Bank Muscat has become a vital stalwart in Oman’s banking sphere, with branches in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Dubai, Iran and Singapore. They have built their formidable reputation on the back of a dedication to transparency, honesty and progressive values. As evidence for the latter, they have recently participated in developing projects and initiatives aimed at boosting the national economy, alongside comprehensive investments in strategic Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability programmes. Company: Bank Muscat Asset Management Address: P.O. Box 134, P.C. 112 Ruwi, Oman Website: www.bankmuscat.com Complimentary to the bank’s expected offerings, they also have an impressive, and lauded, asset management department. In many ways, Bank Muscat’s asset management services can be defined as pioneering, introducing the concept of mutual funds to the region, with clientele that includes local and international pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, global funds, high net worth individuals, and corporations. Ultimately, Bank Muscat’s asset management division aims to maximise returns for any known risk – outperforming the benchmark – and use a holistic approach to investment that considers, among many variables, market dynamics, market news, and peer group analysis. Their carefully considered approach, and client-centricity, have been the drivers behind successfully distinguished their services from those offered by competitors and peers alike. For this, and many other reasons besides, Bank Muscat were recognised by Wealth & Finance International as the Asset Manager of the Year for 2018.

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