Alternative Investment Awards 2016 47 Financial Technology Company: Cinnober Financial Technology Name: Fredrik Backlund Email: [email protected] Web Address: Address: Kungsgatan 36, SE-111 35 Stockholm, Sweden AI16031 Cinnober Cinnober is a world leading independent supplier of financial technology. We caught up with Fredrik Backlund to find out more. Cinnober was founded in 1998, and the company’s shares are traded on the Nasdaq First North in Stockholm. The firm operates as a num- ber-one solutions provider on a global market with customers represent- ing some of the world’s foremost financial players. Our home turf consists of trading and clearing solutions, where we are the inventor of real-time risk management and clearing. We provide the industry with paradigm shifting technology and we are a major driver behind the development of trading systems with singular micro-second response times. We are convinced that technology is the driver that will take the finance industry into the future. Innovation is in our DNA and as a world leading fintech supplier, we possess a unique blend of knowledge and experience in an industry that is currently undergoing a monumental shift. A unique advantage in the industry is that all our customers are truly reference customers. The list of customers includes the Australian Securities Exchange, BM&FBOVESPA, Dubai Gold & Commodities Exchange, Euronext, Japan Exchange Group, Johannesburg Stock Ex- change, London Metal Exchange, LME Clear, New York Stock Exchange, and Stock Exchange of Thailand. We are dedicated to offering business-critical and tailor-made system solutions and services for exchanges and clearinghouses, where the requirements for reliability and quality are high. We don’t do anything else than delivering maximum quality to our long-term customers and learnt a lot from our latest outage – that took place more than 10 years ago. Quality always need come first if you’re an independent supplier of exchange technology. All solutions are based on our award winning TRADExpress™ Platform, which incorporates everything needed for mission-critical solutions in terms of performance, robustness, and flexibility. The portfolio of offerings includes price discovery and matching, real-time risk man- agement, clearing and settlement, index calculation, data distribution, and surveillance. Our exceptionally strong balance sheet enables us to invest in the ongoing development of our offering and technology that is carried out in close collaboration with our customers. Much of this work is conducted in close collaboration with customers according to agile project methods. Cinnober has three strategic priorities: 1. Developing the traditional market (i.e., exchanges & clearinghouses) 2. Broadening the customer base to new segments (i.e., banks & brokers) 3. Increasing the efficiency of the business Our offices in Stockholm, Umeå, London, and New York employ over 250 people. Close collaboration with customers paired with broad dis- tribution of responsibilities and short decision paths make us dynamic and committed. We have a clear ambition to have a diverse workforce, which greatly benefits both our global customers and us. Our work- force has over 30 nationalities, a wide age span, and a good gender distribution. Best Marketplace Technology Provider 2016