Alternative Investment Awards 2016

awards alternative investment wealth & finance2016 80 Investment Managers Company: Saltus Investment Managers Name: David Cooke Web Address: Saltus Partners LLP and Saltus Financial Planning Limited are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority AI16068 Saltus Saltus is an independently owned investment management and financial planning company. We invited David Cooke, Chair of the Investment Committee and Manager of their award winning fund, to tell us more. Saltus was founded in 2004 with the objective of challenging the norms in the asset management market. Today, Saltus remains an inde- pendently owned investment management company, managing and advising assets of over £800m. Our clients are private clients and fam- ily groups investing their pensions, trusts, investments and ISAs. Our clients come to us direct, typically through referrals from other clients or are introduced to us through financial advisers, solicitors, accountants and trustees. Our objective is to preserve and grow wealth for our clients over time, irrespective of investing conditions. We do this through risk based, multi-asset class investing, measuring investment risk principally (but not exclusively) by the volatility of portfolio returns over a rolling 36-month period. Our multi-asset portfolios are managed with a choice of distinct “risk budgets”, set with reference to the UK equity market, for example, the Saltus Multi Asset Class Fund targets 33% of UK equity market volatility. Once this level of risk has been identified and agreed we construct and manage portfolios and Funds in accordance with this level of risk. It is important to note that although the risk relative to the equity market is fairly stable, the actual asset allocation changes over time. Although identifying and controlling risk is at the heart of what we do, it is necessary to take some risk to capital to generate returns in excess of cash over time. We invest in broad variety of asset classes to generate returns. Within our industry currently, we believe that the major issue facing in- vestment managers such as ourselves is that we are entering a period of low investment returns and high volatility. This combination challenges managers to not only create adaptive and nimble investment strategies so that they can understand the ‘hows and whys’ of investment deci- sions better than in the past. Saltus has always aimed to offer complete transparency and for clients, providing regular information for them so that they understand exactly what we are doing with their money. Over the last two years we have launched Saltus Financial Planning to help clients plan their financial futures, which will be key focus as we move forward. We are also looking at ways to improve the client experi- ence, from client take on to reporting. Best Risk Based Multi Asset Investment Managers – UK & Best UK Absolute Return Fund (Since Inception): S&W Saltus Multi-Asset Class Fund