Fund Awards 2021 10 Wealth & Finance International - 2021 Fund Awards APR2w2 Julius Baer is a leading Swiss wealth management group, dedicated to the provision of personal advice to private clients around the world, and powered by high-end services and expertise. Julius Baer’s activities are centred on the deep understanding of clients’ needs in respect to wealth accumulation, wealth preservation and wealth transfer to next generations. The small, passionate, exemplary team of portfolio managers and analysts developed a taste for qualitative and quantitative methods refining the investment process for equity investing. Each team member is a living testimony to their principles, from Baris Pinar, Head of Global Excellence, to Daniel Obradovic, Cesare Valeggia and Sabrina Pfister, who each believe that a strong people culture is a key asset for any company and long- term success. They love their job and live their approach to investment. When clients of Julius Baer decide to invest into the Global Excellence strategy, they are willing to dedicate a certain portion of their wealth to the Julius Baer, a Swiss leading private bank, for whom the secret to success has been striving for complete and outstanding service every day, has established itself as the Best Wealth Management Group for Switzerland as a small team of investment experts within Julius Baer has demonstrated that passion is leading to long-term success. Than, the Julius Baer Equity Global Excellence fund (ISIN LU0912194841) has earnt its management team the award: “Portfolio Manager of the Year for Switzerland”. PortfolioManager of the Year 2021 (Switzerland): Julius Baer Global Excellence stock market. While the specific reasons to invest in the equity market can differ from client to client, the final goal by the deployment of wealth into the equity market should always be to compound capital over an investment period. In this regard, the mission of Global Excellence is to generate long-term excess returns compared to the global developed equity benchmark. Due to its clearly defined and strict investment philosophy and investment process, the Global Excellence team of Julius Baer is focused on high quality and mid-to-large, capitalized companies in developed markets. Their strong focus in clients, a service- oriented culture and a long-term track record with superior investment returns have continuously attracted investors. Over the last twelve years, the team has been diligent in offering their investors unique access to the world’s leading companies with strong business models in favorable industries. The team hand-picks companies managed by prudent capital allocators that have a strong focus on long-term Julius Baer Global Excellence value creation. The Global Excellence team knows that total capital returns can be maximized by investing in companies with high and improving free cash flow margins achieved by unique and innovative business models. All these efforts taken to select long-term winning companies aim to maximize the collection of the available equity risk premium for a given level of risk. In 2020, the Global Excellence fund found itself strongly positioned to continue helping its investors during the tumult of the pandemic. In this way, clients were able to rest assured that when investing with Global Excellence, they were investing in quality companies that could successfully weather a storm and become even stronger, once the storm had passed. Moreover, the Global Excellence fund has been able to generate long-term excess returns. With its prudent and consistent investment approach, the Global Excellence fund has not only outperformed its benchmark, but also close peers. This has led to recognition at Wealth & Finance Awards in 2019 and 2021, the most recent being for Portfolio Manager of the Year 2021 (Switzerland) at the Fund Awards 2021. However, most satisfying is the positive feedback of its continuously growing international client base. Company: Julius Baer Global Excellence Contact: Daniel Obradovic Website: