Women in Wealth Awards 2016

Women in Wealth Awards 2016 10 Best in Workers Compensation Claims - New England A.I.M. Mutual Insurance Companies is a workers’ compensation insurer based in Burlington, Massachusetts that provides coverage to more than 18,000 policyholders in a tri-state region. We caught up with Director of Claims Laura Parsons to learn about the space for women in the insurance market and how this is steadily changing. Established in 1989, A.I.M. Mutual Insurance Companies are the 2nd largest writer in Massachusetts, the 4th largest writer in New Hampshire, and growing in the state of Connecticut. Laura, who has been working in the insurance industry for over 36 years, outlines the challenges she has encountered and the advice she would like to offer any woman seeking to emulate her achievement. “When I first started in the insurance industry, there were not many women in management, particularly in the technical disciplines. I found I had an aptitude for claims, and I worked hard to learn everything that I could to make myself valuable to the department. I never backed down from a challenge and tried to not become discouraged. “Advancement opportunities eventually came, and I think the most important piece of advice I can offer any woman looking to succeed is to prove your value as an individual in your field by becoming proficient at what you do. Be confident in your ability and never believe that you have learned everything there is to know. Remember to listen and keep an open mind when dealing with your co-workers.” “Ultimately, I am amazed at the change in the landscape of my industry since I first started my career. I truly believe working for a good company with progressive leadership gives women a real opportunity to succeed today and also feel satisfied with her contribution to the industry.” Moving forward, Laura is keen to continue to succeed and support her team in offering the very best possible service to their policyholders. “Personally, my goal moving forward is to continue to work and find efficiencies within my department. In that way, I can help the claim team succeed in their jobs with fewer errors, better response time, and a real sense of accomplishment. With the aging workforce in our WW160026 Company: A.I.M. Mutual Insurance Companies Web Address: www.aimmutual.com Address: 54 Third Avenue, P.O. Box 4070, Burlington, MA 01803-0970 Telephone: 800.876.2765 industry, it is also important for me to develop bench strength for our key positions. “I am very fortunate to work for an incredible company whose primary goals are to be innovative and excel at the services we provide. All new ideas and processes are given a serious review, and as such there are no limits to what we can achieve.”

http://www.larkinsurance.co.uk/ http://www.aimmutual.com/ http://www.avant.org.au/ http://www.larkinsurance.co.uk/ http://www.apolloemb.com/ http://www.aimmutual.com/ http://www.avant.org.au/ http://www.larkinsurance.co.uk/ http://www.apolloemb.com/ http://www.aimmutual.com/ http://www.avant.org.au/ http://www.apolloemb.com/ http://www.larkinsurance.co.uk/ http://www.aimmutual.com/ http://www.avant.org.au/ http://www.apolloemb.com/